Our traditional Black is design to brew Japanese green tea in the traditional way. This Black Kyusu is a great way to start exploring the world of Japanese green tea. It is a slightly glazed teapot so it doesn't disrupt the flavor too much and it has a traditional built-in stainless steel filter to ensure that the leaves don't end up in your cup. The reason we recommend using the kyusu is that it provides the maximum amount of space for the leaves to open up and fully release their flavor.
How to Use this Black Kyusu
Add 5 grams of leaves to the teapot and then pour in 150ml to 200ml of water (160 degrees Fahrenheit) and let the tea brew for 1 minute and then pour it out into a glass.
How is this Black Kyusu Made?
This teapot is made from a natural clay called "Tatsuchi" and then it is fired in a kiln for 12 hours at 1,150 degrees C until it is hardened. The teapot is then fired a second time to ensure it has been hardened completely. The end result is a beautifully smooth and durable teapot that is ideal for all types of , , and .
How Big is this Black Kyusu?
This teapot can hold 210 milliliters of water at maximum capacity. This teapot is on the smaller side, which concentrates the intensity of the brewing to make the flavor even more powerful. This Black Kyusu is 100% made in Japan.